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Thursday, January 5, 2012

From National Trust for 23 Feb - Maha Smadhi Day

Dear Brothers and Sisters

On 23 February, 2011, our Divine and Most Beloved Mother, Adi Shakti Mataji, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi transited to HerVirat and Nirakar form. On this day every year, all Sahaja Yoga Centres in India will organize a programme of collective meditation and Sahaja Bhajans expressing our Love and Reverence for HER in recognition of HER glorious work of establishing Sahaja Yoga worldwide, while SHE was on earth.  As the Adi Shakti, SHE is the “Glory of all Glories” who has bestowed countless Blessings on us- Her children, when She was in Her Sakar form, and now in HER vibratory Virat and Nirakar form, SHE continues to bestow Her Blessings on all of us,  protecting us, nourishing and nurturing us, and guiding us at every step and in every moment of our lives.

With folded hands and with Divine Love for our Most Beloved Mother in our hearts, we pray – “Oh Most Beloved Mother, please keep us connected to this Ocean of Love that YOU are, that permeates the entire Creation. Grant us Your wisdom and Your understanding so that we can advance Your Mission of spreading this Divine Love to all corners of our ancient country. Please take us deeper into our selves so that we can attain our spiritual ascent, and learn to Love YOU more and more so that there is no duality left. In seeking these pure desires, we bow in complete surrender to the Supreme Goddess, the Parameshwari.”

Dear Brothers and Sisters, you are requested to kindly convey our Love and Respect to all Sahaja Yogis and inform all your Centres, accordingly.  

With Love and Respect

Lt Gen (R) V K Kapoor
Executive Secretary
HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Sahaja Yoga Trust

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